"Here I am in the middle of a perfectly good fairy tale, & THIS happens! Right now, I'm perfectly healthy & happy. Well, "healthy" is apparently a matter of perspective! I've been informed that I have this blood-borne cancer in my body that'll kill me in 6 months if I don't do something drastic immediately. HUH??? Therefore, there's no choice other than"drastic"! Even with immediate action, there is no cure - only an extension of my life.

Feel free to tag along as I, & my husband, & some amazing friends commit to this journey. I'll share as much as I can! Yes, the medical team will have to make me very sick in order to suppress the cancer, but they'll also try to build up my immune system at the same time. We're in Texas, & there's an old sayin' in this part of the world: "Hold my beer, I'm goin' in!" Yeah, THAT applies. We have no idea what to expect, & I don't drink beer; but we're GOIN' IN!"

- Gayle -

Sunday, April 29, 2018

I know people are well intended, but...

Over the past year, I’ve been barraged with well-wishers who send me the words, “You’re tough - you can beat this”... “You’re a badass - you’ll kick cancer”. Here’s the deal... throughout my life, I’ve been through the traumatic deaths of two husbands, half a dozen significant others, quite a few friends, & even my 4 year old son. I’m sorry to be impudent, but how DARE anyone accuse me of being a wimp? Life is hard, for all of us. But to imply that if I was JUST A TAD TOUGHER I would somehow have a power over terminal cancer & could wave my magic wand to make it all go away. Terminal illness cannot be fixed - that’s what makes it “terminal”. You carry it, you tolerate it, you live with it; but, in the end, it’s losing battle. So, when I die, did I just not fight hard enough?

The same thing goes for “Walk with Jesus & you’ll be healed”. Again, the implication is that there’s something substantial lacking within me spiritually. I’m fully ordained in two different disciplines & have a PhD in Divinity - God & I are pals; yet, surprisingly, I have never been bestowed the power of life over death. Are they saying that only sinners die of cancer?

“Everything happens for a reason?” No, it doesn’t. THAT statement tells me that I DESERVE cancer! I’m not buying it! I could go on: “Just try & stay positive - you can beat this!”... I’m 63 years old, I’m not a child. People die from this. I was predicted to die back in September, nine months ago! I’ve already beaten the odds!

“God doesn’t give you more than you can handle? I just spent over two months bedridden & writhing in pain, followed by a diagnosis of Sepsis. This will NOT be the last time. I find it difficult to believe that a benevolent God willingly struck me down with this misery.

“You can beat this! Miracles happen!” No, I can’t, & I won’t. Here’s another one: “I had the same type of cancer, let me tell you all about it.” Hmmm... you’re alive, & I’m dying - I think you MIGHT have had one of other, of thousands, forms or subsets of cancer. My primary cancer cells have diminished - my tertiary cancer cells are in the deadly area. Okay, one more: “How much weight have you lost? You look GREAT!” Yeah, throwing your guts up for two months will DO that for you!

Some of my friends have not been able to accept those realities. It’s SO much easier to live in denial, but it’s way past time to face the music! Those of you who don’t have cancer can comfortably live in denial. In no way would & wish this illess upon anyone, but by throwing out these platitudes, you inadvertently make me feel guilty for failing you. I wasn’t strong enough, spiritual enough, positive enough. Apparently, I wasn’t worthy, so I must die. Really? I don’t buy it! 

- Gayle -