The tissue from my previous liver biopsy is currently being tested in an effort to determine if it's reactive to any specific type of chemo. If so, that's called "targeted" chemo; it raises my survivability prognosis by at least another year.
For the time being, my brain MRI shows no cancer, but the monster is bloodborne, so it could travel & settle anywhere within my body. I need to get it halted as soon as possible.
As much as I dearly appreciate your recommendations & advice, I simply have no time for alternative treatments or even research. I need to get the brakes put on this immediately. Time is absolutely critical! This thing literally sneaked up without warning... & it's gonna kill me if I don't do something fast. I don't have the luxury of time in which to travel, read a book, do the research, consult someone else. I'm going straight to MD Anderson & will fight this bastard to the death... someone's death.
Regardless, I know that all of your suggestions are coming from a place of love! Please don't think that your concerns are not appreciated! A dear friend said that everyone just feels helpless... like my house is on fire & all of you are bringing buckets of water to put out the fire! I love that analogy! I get it; & I sincerely love you all for it!
Keep the love, the support, & the buckets of water. We'll have a pool party when it's all behind me!
- Gayle -

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